

  • MTB/FQ Test Kit (MMCA)

    MTB/FQ Test Kit (MMCA)


    48 Tests / Kit

    Detection of fluoroquinolones resistance mutations in mycobacterium tuberculosis

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  • MTB/SL Test Kit (MMCA)

    MTB/SL Test Kit (MMCA)


    48 Tests / Kit

    Detection of second-line injectable drugs resistance mutations in mycobacterium tuberculosis

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  • MTB DNA Extraction Kit (Sanity 2.0)

    MTB DNA Extraction Kit (Sanity 2.0)


    24 Tests / Kit

    Automated isolation and purification of nucleic acids from sputum, tuberculosis cultured, bronchial washing fluid, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF),etc. on Sanity 2.0 System

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  • Sanity-2 Monkeypox Virus Test Kit

    Sanity-2 Monkeypox Virus Test Kit


    24 Tests / Kit

    Detection of monkeypox virus on Sanity 2.0 System

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  • Monkeypox Virus Test Kit

    Monkeypox Virus Test Kit


    48 Tests/Kit

    Detection of the monkeypox virus on real-time PCR thermal cyclers

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  • MTB DNA Extraction Kit (Sanity 2.0)

    MTB DNA Extraction Kit (Sanity 2.0)


    24 Tests / Kit

    Automated isolation and purification of nucleic acids from sputum, tuberculosis cultured, bronchial washing fluid, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF),etc. on Sanity 2.0 System

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  • MTB/MDR Test Kit (Sanity 2.0)

    MTB/MDR Test Kit (Sanity 2.0)


    24 Tests / Kit

    Detection of MTBC, rifampicin-resistance mutations and isoniazid-resistance mutations on Sanity 2.0 System

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  • HPV28 Genotyping Kit (Sanity 2.0)

    HPV28 Genotyping Kit (Sanity 2.0)


    24 Tests / Kit

    Full genotyping of 28 HPV types including 14 high-risk HPV types and 14 low-risk HPV types

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  • Lab-Aid 824 HPV DNA Extraction Kit

    Lab-Aid 824 HPV DNA Extraction Kit


    48 Tests / Kit

    Automated isolation and purification of nucleic acid from cervical secretions and tissue sample on Lab-Aid 824s System

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  • Lab-Aid 824s Blood DNA Extraction Kit

    Lab-Aid 824s Blood DNA Extraction Kit


    48 Tests / Kit

    Automated isolation and purification of DNA from whole blood on Lab-Aid 824s System

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  • Total RNA Blood kit (Lab-Aid)

    Total RNA Blood kit (Lab-Aid)


    48 Tests / Kit

    Automated isolation and purification of total RNA from fresh whole blood and cultured cells on Lab-Aid 808 System or Lab-Aid 824s System

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  • Lab-Aid 824s DNA Extraction Kit

    Lab-Aid 824s DNA Extraction Kit


    48 Tests / Kit 
    Automated isolation and purification of DNA from whole blood, saliva, tissue, blood spots, amniotic fluid, bacteria, blood clot, etc. on Lab-Aid 808 System or Lab-Aid 824s System

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